In loving memory of
Robert "Cutter" Brandenburg

9/15/50 - 1/19/15

You are dearly missed...


There will be a memorial service and a memorial concert on two separate dates.
ALL are invited to either and both.

The memorial service will be in Temple, TX on Sunday Feb. 8th 4:00pm at the Harper-Talasek Funeral Home 500 West Barton Ave. Temple, TX 76501 and be followed by a commencement reception at Peggy's Coffee House in the Temple Mall as a private event after mall hours (mall closes at 5:30pm that day).

The memorial concert will be one week later on Sunday Feb. 15th in Austin at The Roost 2113 Wells Branch Parkway Austin, TX 78728. More information to come on who will be playing and what time it will start.

Habitat for Horses
If you're a friend of Mr. Cee please click these links.